Tips for Meditation

  • Meditating while lying down is tricky due to the constant threat of falling asleep! However, if one has insomnia, this can be seen as beneficial.
  • It is helpful for the beginner to find the quietest environment possible for meditative practice. Eventually, meditation can be done anytime, anywhere.
  • A common theme among meditative practices is focusing ones attention on an object. This might clarify the objective of the aforementioned methods.
  • It can be helpful to sit for a short while in silence prior to meditating, until the heartbeat slows.
  • The beginner meditator should not try to meditate for a period greater than he or she is comfortable with. In time, as meditation becomes more natural, one may find the length of meditative practice gradually increase naturally and without strain.
  • For some people, focusing attention on a point or object does exactly the opposite of what meditation is all about. It takes you back to the life of focus, concentration, strain. In this case, as an alternative to the above techniques, some meditators recommend un-focusing your attention. Instead of focusing attention on a point or an object, this type of meditation is achieved by attaining a state of zero. Take your attention above all thoughts to a point where you lose all attention and all thoughts.
  • What you do with a silent mind is up to you. Some people find that it is a good time to introduce an intention or a desired outcome to the subconscious mind. Others prefer to "rest" in the rare silence that meditation offers.
  • You should be comfortable enough to concentrate, but not so comfortable that you feel the urge to fall asleep.
  • Make some effort to be mindful of your mood and thoughts when not meditating. You may notice that you feel calmer, happier, and sharper on days when you have meditated, and notice a decrease in these qualities when you have not.
  • It may be beneficial to mentally review or replay the previous day at the start of your sessions, if you can do so in a relaxed, passive way. This often happens naturally, and sometimes it is best to allow this to happen, as long as you do not get emotionally wrapped up or let it go on too long before beginning meditation. This procedure is known as "processing" of recent events, and becoming skilled at performing a non-judgmental review of events does much to increase awareness and emotional well-being.
  • The benefits of meditation can be experienced long before the practitioner has been successful in maintaining focus or clearing the mind, simply as a result of the practice.
  • Set aside a specific time each day for meditation, but do not overdo it. If 20-30 minutes in the morning is not enough, add another session later in the day instead of trying for a single, longer session.
  • If you find it difficult to meditate for the length of time you have chosen, try a shorter time for a while. Almost anyone can meditate for a minute or two without experiencing intrusive thoughts. Then, as the ocean of the mind calms, you gradually lengthen your meditation session until you have achieved the desired length of time.
  • It is easy to lose track of time while meditating. Being concerned about time can be distracting to meditation. Some people find it liberating to set a timer and let it be concerned about how long you have to meditate. Choose a gentle timer. If it is too jarring, the anticipation of the alarm can be distracting also.
  • With good posture, it will be easier to breathe as your lungs will have more space. In fact, you may notice how most of the muscles in your torso work to help you breathe, from the muscles in the base of your pelvis to the ones in your neck, centered on the main breathing muscle, the diaphragm. They work just a little, assisting the diaphragm. If you notice this, it is a good sign you have established a good posture. The right posture is easy and comfortable. You almost feel like you are floating.
  • Do what works best for you. What works for some people might have other techniques that might not work for you. do not let that get you down. Remember to relax!


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