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Warning Signals for disfunction of Chakras and Methods to energize

Different chakras stand for different areas of the body, and can disfunction in different ways. Feelings, thoughts, traumas, and even illnesses of the body can lodge in the chakras, impeding healthy energy flow. The following approaches may be helpful in connecting with the chakras and heal both illnesses and emotional blockages.


Root Chakra.

  • Warning Signals: Fatigue, disagreements with family members, disorientation due to lack of grounding.
  • To Strengthen the Energy of this Chakra: Visualize a molten lava flow beneath you, or the image of your feet and body growing tree roots that extend deep into the earth. Since this chakra corresponds with issues with one’s family of origin (“root”), resolving these deep emotions can heal the first chakra.


Sacral Chakra.

  • Warning Signals: Sexual disfunction, hormonal imbalance, lack of creativity.
  • To Strengthen the Energy of this Chakra: The second chakra relates to a person’s sexuality and creativity and is connected with the womb. Any creative or sexual outlet has the potential to engage this chakra - but only if such an activity aligns with a person’s genuine self.



Solar Plexus Chakra.

  • Warning Signals: Digestive system upset, weakness in “core” muscles, low immunity, low self-esteem.
  • To Strengthen the Energy of this Chakra: The energies of the solar plexus chakra invoke the relationship with the self and concepts of individual identity. Blockages in this chakra are very common, and can usually only be alleviated by reassessing personal choices and life directions. It is helpful to take time and space to nourish – and to uncover and accept - the real self.


Heart Chakra.

  • Warning Signals: High or low blood pressure, cardiac symptoms, anger, numbness, fear of love.
  • To Strengthen the Energy of this Chakra: The heart chakra is the center of emotions. Strengthening this chakra requires willingness to experience life’s emotional spectrum: love and loss, pain and joy. Visualizing a bright white light in the center of the chest and allowing it to expand slowly may help to awaken this chakra and soothe feelings of hurt. It can also be helpful to write a journal or speak to a trusted friend.

Throat Chakra.

  • Warning Signals: Hyper- or hypothyroid (over- or under-active thyroid gland), frustration, fear or inability to express oneself.
  • To Strengthen the Energy of this Chakra: Sing, dance, write, speak – express and emote! This chakra is cleared by genuine, open expression of truth. It is strengthened by standing up for personal beliefs and supporting other people, ideologies, or groups–- but mostly, by speaking up for number one.


Brow Chakra.

  • Warning Signals: Headaches, lack of insight, feeling lost.
  • To Strengthen the Energy of this Chakra: It may be helpful to call this chakra by its other name and visualise a “third eye” in the middle of the forehead, looking around with keen observation and insight. Tapping a point in the middle of the brow also helps. So can taking the pressure off and exercising patience. Overthinking congests the brow chakra – so don't think.


Crown Chakra.

  • Warning Signals: Headaches, spaciness/brain fog, fear, disconnection, lack of trust/hope/faith.
  • To Strengthen the Energy of this Chakra: The crown chakra represents connection to the divine in all its forms, as well as the reality that all is energy and there is no form. Imagine a ball of glowing white energy coming down and enveloping the top of the head, opening and healing the crown chakra. Pull the energy down as a protective shield around the body. Talking – out loud or internally – to goddess, god, guardian angels or spirit guides can also help.

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