the lines of Influence from the Mount of Venus


The lines of Influence from The Mount of Venus

Normal position of the Lines:

These lines appear on the Mount of Venus either vertical or horizontally. There are no specific positions for these lines.

General function of these Lines:

The presence of these lines reflects the extent to which the subject may be influence by others.

Nature of he Line Characteristic features of the subject

1-A line starting near the beginning of the life Line and running close to it Influence of the mother more.

2-A star at the end of a line of influence Influence of others negative.

3-When the Lines are deep, strong and well-coloured Influence of others powerful.

4-When an influence line begins deep and then grows thin and has gradually grown thinner until it fades away Influence strong in the beginning but gradually grows weaker until it has no effect.

5-If an influence line beginning early and ending in a star, beside it a line more distant from the life line which grows stronger after the star Death of mother or father at the age shown by the star and a distant relative coming into the life.

6-A semi-circular line just crossing the Line of life Sudden illness or even death of the subject.

7-A Line from the Mount of Venus cutting the root of the second finger Difficulty in child -bearing, womb troubles in general.

8-A line from the Mount of Venus cutting a small upward branch of the line of life and ending on the Mount of Saturn Generally indicates divorce or separation.

9-A clear direct line from the Mount of Venus to the Mount of Mercury. Great success in business or science.

10-A line cutting the Line of Life and just cutting the Line of Fate Opposition from relatives in business and worldly affairs.

11- A line starting from a star on the Mount of Venus and ending in a fork on the Mount of Saturn Unfortunate marriage, the partner may either die or become mad.

12-A line from a star on the Mount of Venus merging into a good Line of Sun Increase of fortune through the death of a relative or close friend.

13-A line from the Mount of Venus to the Mount of Jupiter ending in a Star Ambition of the subject crowned with brilliant success.

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