I dig those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, which
are of Visnu.
Here do I cast out the spell which an equal or an unequal hath
buried against us.
Here do I overthrow him who equal or unequal is ill-disposed to us.
The spell is overcome by the Gayatri metre.
What is here? Good. Let it be ours.
Thou art Viraj, slaying our rivals; thou art Samraj, slaying our foes; thou art Svaraj, slaying the enemy; thou art Viçvaraj, slayer of all destructive things [1].
I sprinkle those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
I pour down those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
Thou art barley (yava); bar (yavaya) from us foes, bar evil spirits.
I bestrew those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
I pour the libation over those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
I lay down the two Which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu. 
I surround the two which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
I bestrew the two which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
The two which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
Thou art great, with a great pressing stone; call forth to Indra with a great voice.
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