Putrada Ekadashi

Putrada Ekadashi
This year's Putrada Ekadashi

Sunday, 07 Aug - 2022

हिंदी विक्रमी सम्वत पंचांग के श्रावण मास के शुक्ल पक्ष की एकादशी तिथि को पुत्र प्रदान करने वाली पुत्रदा एकादशी के नाम से जाना जाता है। इस दिन भगवान विष्णु जी का ध्यान करके व्रत रखना चाहिए। रात्रि में भगवान विष्णु जी की मूर्ति के पास ही शयन करने का भी विधान है। एकादशी से अगले दिन वेद पाठी ब्राह्मणों को भोजन कराकर दान देकर आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करना चाहिए। इस वृत्त को रखने वाले नि:संतान व्यक्ति को पुत्र रत्न की प्राप्ति अवश्य होती है। 

श्रावण पुत्रदा एकादशी व्रत कथा :

प्राचीन काल में महिष्मति नगरी में महिजित नामक राजा राज्य करता था। राजा धर्मात्मा, शांतिप्रिय एवं दानी होने पर भी नि:संतान था। इसलिए राजा ने एक बार ऋषियों को बुलाकर संतान प्राप्ति का उपाय पूछा तो परमज्ञानी लोमेश ऋषि ने बताया कि आपके पिछले जन्म में सावन की एकादशी को आपने तालाब से प्यासी गाय को पानी नहीं पीने दिया था।  उसी के परिणाम स्वरुप आप अभी तक नि:संतान हैं। 

आप श्रावण मास के शुक्ल पक्ष की एकादशी का नियमपूर्वक व्रत रखिये तथा रात्रि जागरण कीजिये। इससे आपको पुत्र अवश्य प्राप्त होगा। इस प्रकार उन मुनियों के कहने से राजा ने पुत्रदा एकादशी व्रत का पालन किया। फिर द्वादशी को पारण करके मुनियों के चरणों में बारंबार मस्तक झुकाकर राजा अपने घर लौट आये। कुछ ही दिनों बाद रानी चम्पा ने गर्भधारण किया। निश्चित समय आने पर रानी ने एक तेजस्वी पुत्र को जन्म दिया, जिसने अपने गुणों से पिता को संतुष्ट किया तथा वह प्रजा का पालक हुआ।


"There was once a kingdom named Bhadravati, which was ruled by King Suketuman. His queen was the famous Saibya. Because he had no son, he spent a long time in anxiety, thinking, 'If I have no son, who will carry on my dynasty?' In this way the king meditated in a religious attitude for a long time, thinking, 'Where should I go? What should I do? How can I get a son?' King Suketuman could find no happiness anywhere in his kingdom, even in his own palace, and soon he was spending more and more time inside his wife's palace, gloomily thinking only of how he could get a son.

"Thus both King Suketuman and Queen Saibya were in great distress. Even when they offered tarpana (oblations of water to their forefathers), their mutual misery made them think that it was as undrinkable as boiling water. They thought that they would have no descendants to offer tarpana to them when they died. The king and queen were especially upset to learn that their forefathers were worried that soon there would be no one to offer them tarpana.

"After learning of their forefathers' unhappiness, the king and queen became more and more miserable, and neither ministers, friends, nor even loved ones could cheer them up. To the king, his elephants and horses and infantry were no solace, and at last he became practically inert and helpless.

"The king thought, 'It is said that without a son, marriage is wasted. Indeed, for a family man with no son, both his heart and his splendid house remain vacant and miserable. Bereft of a son, a man cannot liquidate the debt he owes his forefathers, the demigods, and other human beings. Therefore every married man should endeavor to beget a son; thus he will become famous within this world and at last attain the auspicious celestial realms. 

A son is proof of the pious activities a man performed in his past one hundred lifetimes, and such a person achieves a long duration of life in this world, along with good health and great wealth. Possessing sons and grandsons in this life proves that one has worshiped Lord Vishnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in the past. The great blessings of sons, wealth, and sharp intelligence can be achieved only by worshiping the Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna That is my opinion.'

"Thinking thus, the king had no peace. He remained in anxiety day and night, from morning to evening, and from the time he lay down to sleep at night until the sun rose in the morning, his dreams were equally full of great anxiety. Suffering such constant anxiety and apprehension, King Suketuman decided to end his misery by committing suicide. But he realized that suicide throws a person into hellish conditions of rebirth, and so he abandoned that idea. Seeing that he was gradually destroying himself by his allconsuming anxiety over the lack of a son, the king at last mounted his horse and left for the dense forest alone. No one, not even the priests and brdhmanas of the palace, knew where he had gone.

"In that forest, which was filled with deer and birds and other animals, King Suketumiin wandered aimlessly, noting all the different kinds of trees and shrubs, such as the fig, bel fruit, date, palm, jackfruit, bakula, saptaparna, tinduka, and tilaka, as well as the sala, talc, tamala, sarala, hingota, arjuna, labhera, baheda, sallaki, karonda, patala, khaira, saka, and palasa trees. All were beautifully decorated with fruits and flowers. 

He saw deer, tigers, wild boar, lions, monkeys, snakes, huge bull elephants in rut, cow elephants with their calves, and four-tusked elephants with their mates close by. There were cows, jackals, rabbits, leopards, and hippopotamuses. Beholding all these animals accompanied by their mates and offspring, the king remembered his own menagerie, especially his palace elephants, and became so sad that he absentmindedly wandered into their very midst.

"Suddenly the king heard a jackal howl in the distance. Startled, he began wandering about, looking around in all directions. Soon it was midday, and the king started to tire. He was tormented by hunger and thirst. He thought, 'What sinful deed could I possibly have done so that I am now forced to suffer like this, with my throat parched and burning? I have pleased the demigods with numerous fire sacrifices and abundant devotional worship. I have given many gifts and delicious sweets in charity to all the worthy brdhmanas. And I have taken care of my subjects as though they were my very own children. Why am I suffering so? What unknown sins have come to torment me in this dreadful way?'

"Absorbed in these thoughts, King Suketuman struggled forward, and eventually, due to his pious credit, he came upon a beautiful pond that resembled the famous Lake Manasarovara. It was filled with aquatics, including crocodiles and many varieties of fish, and graced with lilies. Beautiful lotuses had opened to the sun, and swans, cranes, and ducks swam happily in its waters. Nearby were many attractive asramas, where there resided many saints and sages who could fulfill the desires of anyone. Indeed, they wished everyone well. When the king saw all this, his right arm and eye began to quiver, a sign that something auspicious was about to happen.

"As the king dismounted his horse and stood before the sages, who sat on the shore of the pond, he saw that they were chanting the holy names of God on japa beads. The king paid his obeisances and, joining his palms, glorified them. He was overjoyed to be in their presence. Observing the respect the king offered them, the sages said, 'We are very pleased with you, O king. Kindly tell us why you have come here. What is on your mind? Please tell us what you desire.'

"The king replied, '0 great sages, who are you? What are your names, O auspicious saints? Why have you come to this beautiful place? Please tell me everything.'

"The sages replied, 'O king, we are the Visvedevas; we have come here to this lovely pond to bathe. The month of Magha will be here in five days, and today is the famous Putrada Ekadashi. One who desires a son should strictly observe this Ekadashi.' 

"The king said, 'I have tried so hard to have a son. If you great sages are pleased with me, kindly grant me a good son.'

" 'The very meaning of Putrada,' the sages replied, 'is "giver of a son." So please observe a complete fast on this Ekadashi day. If you do, then by our blessings-and by the mercy of Lord Kesava-you will surely obtain a son.'

"On the advice of the Visvedevas, the king observed the auspicious fast day of Putrada Ekadashi according to all the established rules and regulations, and on Dvadasi, after breaking his fast, he paid his obeisances again and again to them all.

"Soon after Suketuman returned to his palace, Queen Saibya became pregnant, and exactly as the Visvedeva sages had predicted, a brightfaced, beautiful son was born to them. In due course he became famous as a heroic prince, and the king gladly pleased his noble son by making him his successor. The son of Suketuman took care of his subjects very conscientiously, just as if they were his own children.

"In conclusion, O Yudhisthira, one who wishes to fulfill his desires should strictly observe Putrada Ekadashi While on this planet, one who strictly observes this Ekadashi will surely obtain a son, and after death he will achieve liberation. Anyone who even reads or hears the glories of Putrada Ekadashi obtains the merit earned by performing a horse sacrifice. It is to benefit all humanity that I have explained all this to you."

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Memories of moments celebrated together
Moments that have been attached in my heart forever
Make me Miss You even more this Navratri.
Hope this Navratri brings in Good Fortune

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