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Worship of the Goddess on Vijayadashmi Festival

Worship of Goddess on the Great Festival Dussehra will be observed on these way :

1.1 Worship of Goddess Sarasvati :

On day of Dussehra practice of the physical act of worship for Goddess transforms the expressed Bhaav of an embodied soul into an unexpressed one and thereby helps in maintaining its stability.

1.2 Worshipping Goddess Aparajita

A. Placing an idol of Goddess Aparajita on a rangoli of an octapetalled figure signifies Her ability to control the eight directions : 

Aparajita is a destroyer form of Goddess Durga. Aparajita manifests from the womb of the earth with the help of the absolute earth element. This manifestation of Goddess Aparajita is for the sake of souls on the Earth. This form of the Goddess which establishes itself on the throne of the eight petals carries a trident and with the help of God Shiva, seeking assistance from the Devatas of directions and the Devtas of the premise, destroys the demoniacal energies.

When Goddess Aparajita sitting on the throne of the eight petals emerges from the womb of the earth in response to prayers of devotees, the Devtas of the eight directions also manifest to welcome Her. The tips of the eight petals represent these eight Devtas. The destroyer frequencies generated from creation of Goddess Aparajita through the medium of the eight Devtas get emitted as red coloured light frequencies and destroy the accumulated Raja-Tama energy purifying the atmosphere to help people on the earth to lead an obstacle-free life.

B. Since the leaves of Shami are good conservers of energy worship of Goddess Aparajita is carried out near a Shami tree : 

The Aparajita form of Goddess Durga is worshipped near the Shami tree because Shami leaves are good conservers of energy and they conserve the energy of Aparajita that manifests in the form of fountains, for long periods. People benefit from this conserved energy of Goddess Aparajita by preserving these leaves in their homes.

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" जीवन में उतारने वाली जानकारी देने के लिए धन्यवाद । कई लोग तो इस संबंध में कुछ जानते ही नहीं है । ऐसे लोगों के लिए यह अत्यन्त शिक्षा प्रद जानकारी है ।"
Posted By:  संतोष ठाकुर
"om namh shivay..."
Posted By:  krishna
"guruji mein shri balaji ki pooja karta hun krishna muje pyare lagte lekin fir mein kahi se ya mandir mein jata hun to lagta hai har bhagwan ko importance do aur ap muje mandir aur gar ki poja bidi bataye aur nakartmak vichar god ke parti na aaye"
Posted By:  vikaskrishnadas
"वास्तु टिप्स बताएँ ? "
""jai maa laxmiji""
Posted By:  Tribhuwan Agrasen
"यह बात बिल्कुल सत्य है कि जब तक हम अपने मन को निर्मल एवँ पबित्र नही करते तब तक कोई भी उपदेश ब्यर्थ है"
Posted By:  ओम प्रकाश तिवारी
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